The Salvation Army is deeply committed to combating modern slavery and human trafficking. Modern slavery is an umbrella term that includes human trafficking for sex, labor or organs, exploitative labor practices, child labor, and early and forced marriage. It involves not only individuals but also social and economic systems.

The Salvation Army is committed to achieving justice by working with all parties involved. The healing of people who have been exploited and traumatized can be a long and complex process. Recognition of their inherent dignity, and restoration of choice and control over their own lives are essential. Modern slavery and human trafficking must end. Everyone has a responsibility, both individuals and institutions, to work for the liberation of those who are victims of slavery and trafficking. Legal and social mechanisms to end slavery and trafficking must be established and those involved held accountable. Transformation and healing of the hearts and minds of everyone involved in modern slavery and trafficking is necessary and possible.


Humans are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) and each person is equally desired and valued by God (Psalm 139:13-17). All people are precious to God, having a special place in God’s creation (Psalm 8:5). Yet the Bible describes a horrific reality that is as real now as it was when it was written.

Psalm 10 explains the evil of those who ensnare others: 'He sits as a barrier in the huts, in hidden places he kills the innocent. His eyes spy on the weak; it sits in a hidden place like a lion in a thicket; it sets out to capture the oppressed. It captures the oppressed by pulling them into its net. He stoops, and prostrates himself, and the weak fall into his strong claws.'

Isaiah 42:22: 'Yet they are a people who have been plundered and robbed, they are all trapped in traps and hidden in prison houses; they have become a spoil and no one releases, a spoil and no one says: "Give it back!"

 ’ Joel 3:3: ‘Because they cast lots for my people, they give a son for a prostitute, and sell a daughter for wine to drink.’

The Bible is clear about this injustice. No one should be exploited or violated. The Christian conviction is that the present state of broken and sinful world is not the last word. God created each of us and does not want any of us to be lost. We are inspired by the grand vision of God’s will for humanity—a world where people live peacefully in community, with the ability to enjoy the fruits of their labor (Isaiah 65:17-25).

 Jesus came into the world so that everyone could have life in all abundance (John 10:10). He said: 'The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me, to bring good news to the poor; and He has sent Me to proclaim liberty to the captives, and sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord has come' (Luke 4:18-19). When Jesus said this, He was quoting from Isaiah 61:1-2. Then in Isaiah are these words, 'For I, the Lord, love the law, and hate usurpation and deceit; I will reward you appropriately, and will make an everlasting covenant with you’ (61:8). Micah 6:8 says, 'O people, what is good has been made known to you. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’ (Luke 10:27; Leviticus 19:18).

Consequently, Christians are called to work to eliminate all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking.


Since its inception, The Salvation Army has worked to reduce the worldwide phenomenon of abuse of individuals or groups of people by others. As awareness of the issues of modern slavery and human trafficking has grown, The Salvation Army has intensified its efforts to combat these crimes worldwide, taking a leading role in some places. The Salvation Army continues its fight through its congregations, corps and institutions. It has developed an international strategy to increase the effectiveness of this work. This strategy builds on the suggestions for needed responses outlined in the Palermo Protocol, but includes two elements that are specific to the church. The responses include one or more of the following:

  • PRAYER – For The Salvation Army, prayer is a vital practice in combating modern slavery and human trafficking. Prayer gives people a way to gain God’s perspective and guidance in complex situations. Prayer maintains our relationship with God and empowers our ministry.
  • PARTICIPATION – The local church is a resource in the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking and serves in some remote communities that other agencies cannot reach. While proper training is needed to work with victims and survivors, every church can raise awareness in their community of such abuse and exploitation, and provide a loving welcoming place for those on their journey of recovery. The Salvation Army will continue to build capacity and provide resources for its congregations, corps, and institutions to participate.
  • PREVENTION – We cannot fight what we do not recognize. Raising awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking is a critical element of prevention. Prevention also includes addressing the factors that make people vulnerable and the factors that create the demand for exploited labor or sexual exploitation. This can include income generation, child sponsorship, working with perpetrators, promoting fair trade, and many other activities.
  • PROTECTION – The Salvation Army takes a holistic view of health and seeks to help survivors regain their health, both physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally and spiritually. Victims need protection in their place of exploitation and survivors need protection and support during their rehabilitation. This can include reporting unsafe employment practices and advocating for change. Support for survivors can include providing means of escape for victims, relocation to a safe place, and providing a safe place and opportunity for recovery for survivors, both short-term and long-term.
  • PROSECUTION – The Salvation Army often works closely with law enforcement and the justice system. For example, by providing training, accepting referrals, and accepting victims. There are also places where the Salvation Army works with offenders or their families.
  • POLICY – The Salvation Army calls on all legislators and policymakers to develop and implement mechanisms to combat modern slavery and human trafficking and bring justice to all involved. The Salvation Army works with governments, businesses and civil society organizations in this regard. Human trafficking thrives because there is a demand for the services trafficked or exploited by those forced to provide them. The Salvation Army therefore engages in education and awareness raising activities so that those who use products or services supplied by trafficked or exploited people are exposed to the misery, suffering and injustice that their continued use of such services or products can cause. The Salvation Army will continue to monitor employment and purchasing practices and work to ensure that we are free from exploitation.
  • PARTNERSHIP – The Salvation Army recognizes that there are a number of leading organizations working locally and globally to combat human trafficking. The level of exploitation is such that no single agency can address it alone. Collaboration and networking with these agencies is encouraged to achieve the end of modern slavery and human trafficking and to provide holistic services to those who have been exploited on their journey to recovery.
  • EVIDENCE – The Salvation Army will contribute to and receive research findings. Evidence-based practices will be used to be as relevant, effective, and efficient as possible. Efforts will be monitored and evaluated. As community members and practitioners working against human trafficking, many stories are heard and collected that provide important information about trafficking trends. The Salvation Army will contribute its knowledge of human trafficking and studies of effective responses to research efforts around the world.

(Source: Fight for freedom book, TSA IPS MSHT)