Let not your craft loosen, let your spirit burn and serve the Lord. Romans 12:11

About Us

Know About Us

The Salvation Army is an internationally renowned Christian charitable organization operating in more than 130 countries around the world. In this article, we will focus on the work and impact of the Salvation Army in Indonesia.

Serving with Heart

Serving with heart means giving full attention to others, listening well, and respecting their feelings and needs This involves empathy, caring, and willingness to help When we serve with heart, we create closer and mutually beneficial relationships.

Help without discrimination

When we help without discrimination, we build an inclusive and fair society We show that every person has equal value and deserves the assistance they need There is no reason to limit assistance only to certain groups or individuals we consider more deserving.

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PELOPOR MISI 2023-2025 Gereja Bala Keselamatan Korps 1 Jakarta kembali menjadi tuan rumah bagi pelaksanaan…

ByByqadex70Feb 6, 20244 min read

The Salvation Army Indonesia Fundraising Website Launched

Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini, The Salvation Army Indonesia dengan bangga mengumumkan peluncuran website fundraising…

ByByqadex70Feb 5, 20242 min read

Help Without Discrimination

Di dunia yang semakin kompleks ini, penting bagi kita semua untuk membantu sesama tanpa adanya…

ByByqadex70Jan 30, 20242 min read

Serving with Heart

Melayani dengan hati adalah prinsip penting dalam setiap bidang pekerjaan. Ketika kita melayani orang lain…

ByByqadex70Jan 30, 20242 min read

Our Services

Let's find out our Services

The Salvation Army has been active in Indonesia since 1894, making it one of the oldest international non-governmental organizations in the country. Discover our Services in various fields.

Emergencies Service

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Social Services

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Youth Ministries

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Women's Ministries

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Spiritual Service

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Let's support our ministry by donating

KPlease know that your donation is very helpful to fund more of our services to the community.

Situs Lain

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